I heard your eyebrow color is what color your hair will be when your are an adult. I'm 16 and when I was young I had really blond hair. now my hair is dirty blond and my eyebrows are pretty dark. I dont really care either way I was just curious. Thanks
Eyebrow vs. hair color?
i don't think so.i have dark,strawberry-bordering on dirty,blonde hair.my eye brows have always been at least 3 or 4 shades darker than my hair color.i have to actaully DYE my hair to make it look natural!i've had my eyebrow color all my life,and my hair color too.there doens't seem to be a connection like the whole "adult hair color thing".
Eyebrow vs. hair color?
Generally, they are the same color. Light blondes will usually have lighter eyebrows and even eyelashes.
I too was very blond as a kid. Today at 32 I have dirty blonde hair but my are a little bitter darker. They are definitely not black but a little darker than the hair on my head and even my arms.
Eyebrow vs. hair color?
Eyebrow vs. hair color?
Your eyebrow color is just a time-changing thing. Unless people die their hair, except for the time they are really young,as you said, their eyebrows are usually at least one shade darker than their hair.
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