Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why the "Macedonians" lie about being blond with blue eyes?

I am from Greece.The majority of Greeks have never met the inhabitants of the neighbooring country.All the "Macedonians" in the Internet claim to be blond and blue eyes...So the majority of Greeks hearing their statements believe that they look like Russians or sth...Well i have been to Skopje a month ago and i can tell you that they have olive skin dark/brown hair and blond hair is as rare as it is in Greece or Turkey.So why are these people lying about their characteristics?

Why the "Macedonians" lie about being blond with blue eyes?

maybe they envy Russians I dont know. They are beautiful with blonde hair blue eyes but all nationalities are beautiful. they should embrace it not lie about it. you can never believe anything on the internet anyways.

Why the "Macedonians" lie about being blond with blue eyes?

All the Macedonians I know (and that's quite a lot) have light skin and fair hair. So some of them are not lying.

Why the "Macedonians" lie about being blond with blue eyes?

i'm Greek too...1) they are not Macedonians... their country name is FYROM they will never be Macedonians and being blond with blue eyes is a big fat lie...because they want to look like Russians...

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Why the "Macedonians" lie about being blond with blue eyes?

Many years of terrorization through brainwashing. Fear can make your mind go along with something even when it's obviously incorrect. I guess self-preservation kicks in.

Why the "Macedonians" lie about being blond with blue eyes?

Everyone's different. I know black people born with blue eyes and blonde hair.

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