Saturday, November 14, 2009

NO HAIR can someone please help answer!!!!!!?

i am 15 turning 16 and i hardly have any hair on my legs and arms just blond hair i had my whole life. However, i do hav pube hair and armpit hair, an no facial. People think i shave my arms and legs!. when will i start getting for hair on face, arms, and legs, (darker hair). and is there anything i can do to get it quicker, like eat some type of food?????? thanks

NO HAIR can someone please help answer!!!!!!?

Don't panic.

Some people don't START puberty until they're 16.

Some people don't have facial hair or leg hair or arm hair.

Most people have ideas about what they think should happen and when it should happen, but hair growth rarely conforms to people's ideas.

Look around you at people your own age. Most, but not all, boys will have hairy legs. So will most girls (though they'll be shaving them). Most, but not all, boys will have facial hair. And if you take the time to look, you'll notice that a lot of the girls are removing moustache growth too -- and some of them will be shaving every day.By the time your peer group are 25 most people will have reached maturity and the slower starters will largely have caught up. But some will be a lot hairier than others. And some girls will be hairier than some boys, though on average the boys will be considerably hairier than the girls.

Of course you're desperate to get hair. But look around you and you'll see a few girls who still don't have obvious breasts (or are wearing seriously padded bras). Puberty takes its time. Let it do just that.

NO HAIR can someone please help answer!!!!!!?

actually i hate when a guy has a lot of hair on his legs or arm.

any ways that's normal to have a Little blond hair on your arms or legs

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